Building a Sentence

그거 보낼 때 절 참조에 넣어서 보내는 거 잊지 마세요.

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Building Sentence
비즈니스 이야기 No.82

그거 보낼 때 절 참조에 넣어서 보내는 거 잊지 마세요.


Don't forget to cc me when you send it.

그거 보낼 때 절 참조에 넣어서 보내는 거 잊지 마세요.

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  • Expression

    나를 참조에 넣어 보내다 = cc(carbon copy) me ~
  • Speaking Tips

    ▶ cc someone(누군가를 참조하다) = copy someone in - Can you copy me in on your report? 저한테 그 보고서를 참조인으로 보내주실래요? ▶ forward someone(이메일을 전달하다) - Could you please forward me his email address? 그의 이메일 주소 좀 전달해 주실래요?
  • Story

    ▶ 14. Getting a First Client Jenny: Er, good? Louise: Yes, it’s good. Send it under your name. And… Jenny. From now on, this client is yours. Jenny: Really? Louise: Yes, really. You have a customer already. Good job, Jenny. You should keep in touch with your customers regularly so that they trust you. Jenny: Oh, thank you, Louise. It will be a great learning experience for me. Louise: And Jenny, make sure that you mention you are writing the email on behalf of the company, OK? Jenny: Right! Louise: And one more thing. Don’t forget to cc me and Bob when you send it. Jenny: Okay! I won’t.