Building a Sentence

가위, 바위, 보! 난 졌고, 약속대로, 우리는 버거를 먹을 수 없었어요.

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Building Sentence
웹툰영어 No.52

가위, 바위, 보! 난 졌고, 약속대로, 우리는 버거를 먹을 수 없었어요.


Rock, paper, scissors! I lost, and as promised, we couldn't eat any burgers.

가위, 바위, 보! 난 졌고, 약속대로, 우리는 버거를 먹을 수 없었어요.

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플레이스토어에서 다운받기
앱스토어에서 다운받기
  • Expression

    가위, 바위, 보! = Rock, paper, scissosrs!
  • Learning Tips

    가위바위보의 영어 표현! 동네 별로 차이는 있는데요, 순서를 주의해주세요. 우리말과 다르게, 바위, 보, 가위이고, '바위'는 그대로 'rock', '보자기'는 'paper'로 써서, "Rock, paper, scissosrs!" 라고 합니다. 내기나 가위,바위보에서 지거나 이겼을 때, 현재형보단, 과거형을 써서, "I won!"(=이겼다!) 또는 "I lost."(=졌다.) 로 써요.
  • Episode

    Episode 9. Penguin and Scissors One day, I found a picture on the wall. It was a photo of David Beckham. I was so impressed by his abs and poked Mev's belly. "Oh Mev… you were not like this last year…." We promised not to eat junk food or sweets any more. No ice cream, no candy bars, no hamburger. Never. (But why do I have to quit them all?) But soon after that, I wanted to eat a hamburger for lunch. The thought became stronger and stronger, and I couldn't stop thinking about eating hamburgers! Mev had an idea. "Let's decide by rock paper scissors. If you win, we'll go out for hamburgers." Rock, paper, scissors! I lost, and as promised, we couldn't eat any burgers.